Voting At The Polls
At your polling place, you will be asked to show photo and signature
identification. Your Driver's License is ideal since it contains your
photo and signature. If you do not have proper identification, you will be
given a provisional ballot to complete and place in an envelope. If you
make a mistake on your ballot, take it to a poll worker and you will be
given a new ballot. You are entitled up to three ballots.
How to Mark Your Ballot Correctly
- Use only the marking device provided in the voting booth.
If you make a mistake, don't hesitate to ask for a new ballot. If you
erase or make other marks, your vote may not count.
To vote for a candidate whose name is not printed on the ballot, fill in
the oval and write the candidate's name on the blank line provided for
such a write-in candidate.
Sample Ballot
You must completely fill in the oval for
your vote to count. Any other mark may not be read by the
You must write in the name AND fill in
the oval next to the name, for the write-in vote to count.
Also, the write-in candidate must be a
QUALIFIED candidate. Check with your
precinct clerk for a list of qualified write-in candidates.
Do NOT use a check mark.
Do NOT mark the oval with an X.
Do NOT circle the oval.
Jefferson County's Voting System
Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners purchased our voting and
tabulation system in 2020 with the Dominion Voting System Image Cast
Evolution which you will hear us refer to as the ICE unit. The ICE unit is
an integrated accessible voting solution. This accessible option protects
the privacy, anonymity, and dignity of the voter while allowing audio
ballot capability and enables voters of varying abilities to navigate,
complete, and cast a paper ballot that is indistinguishable from one
that’s conventionally marked by hand.
The ICE unit is an optical scan tabulating device that reads paper
ballots. In Jefferson County, the paper ballots are designed with ovals to
the left of each candidate or issue that the voter must completely fill in
indicating their choice. The ICE unit is designed to be used by every
voter, including those voters who might need assistance to vote.
Voting Terminology
When you make a mistake on your ballot, this is considered a
Spoiled Ballot and you may ask for a replacement. You may receive
up to two replacements or a total of three ballots.
With the ICE unit, if you overvote a race (voting for more candidates or
issues than allowed in a race) or if you leave your ballot completely
blank, it will be returned to you when you insert the ballot into the ICE
unit. This gives the voter the opportunity to correct their ballot so that
the voter can be sure that every vote counts.